NEW! Analysis of co-authorship networks is available in the new version. Create an account at, and generate a network at

SuAVE: Survey Analysis via Visual Exploration.

SuAVE is a new online platform for visual exploratory analysis of surveys and image collections. It integrates visual, statistical and cartographic analyses and lets users annotate and share images and distribution patterns. It also provides a gateway into advanced data science and machine learning tools by integrating with Jupyter notebooks. Recent SuAVE extensions include analysis of networks and integration with Limesurvey.

SuAVE is used for social, political and behavioral surveys, in visual arts and humanities, biology and ecology, geosciences and urban planning, medical informatics, and portfolio analysis. It is also used in classroom teaching.

Explore a collection of online surveys (mouse over GALLERY in the menu above, check out BLOG) or follow MY SURVEYS to start publishing your own surveys. You can create a free SuAVE account directly at (a new version, with the added co-authorship network analysis).