SuAVE for IT surveys
SuAVE has been used to publish, share and analyze surveys of researchers and IT professionals on topics related to open data management, reproducibility, data preservation, productivity, etc. Some of these surveys are assembled here, along with links to more common public opinion surveys.
Reproducibility crisis.Reproducibility in Science survey by Nature. The survey was conducted by Nature in November 2015, and later described in a Nature article "1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility". It is interesting to explore how the reproducibility crisis is percieved by researchers in different disciplines and from different countries.
Barriers to data sharing.Belmont Forum Open Data survey, conducted in 2014, explored the importance of multiple components of open data sharing, and barriers and burdens associated with implementation of open data infrastructure.
Data preservation and re-use. PresQT survey of preservation and re-use tools. The PresQT project engages stakeholders in a collaborative planning effort to enhance reproducibility and more open sharing of research data through open source development (July 2018-June 2020) of Tools and RESTful Services to Improve Preservation and Re-use of Research Data & Software. See for more information.
Additional Questionnaire Surveys
- EarthCube member survey
- Science Gateways Institute Survey, 2015
- Household Survey of Health, Healthcare, Hygiene, and Social Conditions in 4 Colonias in Mexico, 2013-2014
- General Social Survey, 2010
- Afghanistan Household survey from WBG, 2015
- American National Election Survey Pilot, 2016
- Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS), 2015
- NHANES Diabetes Survey
- International survey of challenges of data sharing, from Springer-Nature. The same survey using country flags as participant icons.
- A custom version of the above survey, for Japan
- AfroBarometer survey for Uganda (household survey on multiple topics)
2018 Open Data Monitor survey, by Elsevier
- Two additional versions of this survey in the new experimental version of SuAVE: with science icons and with age-gender icons.